Monday, January 11, 2010

Sand Rail Blueprints Free '69 Vw 2276 Sand Rail -- With A New Coil And Power From The Electronic Ignition?

'69 vw 2276 sand rail -- with a new coil and power from the electronic ignition? - sand rail blueprints free

I have NO sparks from distrb. Wire.
wonder if I could the retailer - Coil does not get power to the dealer?
How can the dealer?
or in which direction should I go?
Everything worked before I replaced the engine to the trans.


John S said...

The dealer and bases of the coil, 12 V + should the market in the coil, which is near the top of the power (voltage with the number) must
The negative (-) side of the coil must be to the dealer. With the key you should have a good lead to high voltage sparks get to the middle of games (-) to the ground.
To test to see if it requires a counter in the work of life. However, you can observe and see if they open and close when you turn the engine off. VW are ez to work not only a good textbook.

noah buddy said...

They have forgotten the power to the coil again? They seem to have no juice in the coil.

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